Jean-Luc Nancy et la vérité impérative

Cristina Rodriguez Marciel


The thought of French philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy, can be interpreted as a strong, powerful and tireless attempt to face the problem of nihilism in the core of our contemporary societies. In this paper we try to show how his philosophical concept can be perceived as an attempt to clear the way of the possible «exit» from nihilism – that does not already seek its «overcoming». This «exit» is linked to the possibility of a paradigm shift of the «evaluation» way: it is not about the values reactivation or to introduce a new system of the differential values, but the affirmation of an «absolute» and immeasurable value. To capture an evaluation meaning that gives to each assessing act the possibility of not being measured with given systems. Therefore, Nancy tries to sketch out a «new shape of the truth», exposing us to a new experience of the assessing act and to a rethinking of the categories of autonomy and heteronomy through an «imperative» that is less linked with the practice and the effect of an imposition than with an ontological framework. Here we rethink about his proposal to show that this truth and this new concept of the evaluation are built introducing the Kant’s categorical imperative in the same core of the Nietzsche’s Redlichkeit.


Jean-Luc Nancy, nihilism, truth, categorical imperative, Kant, Nietzsche, evaluation, value

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ISSN: 2281-3209                DOI Prefix: 10.7408

Published online by CRF - Centro Internazionale per la Ricerca Filosofica - Palermo (Italy)

Registration Number at Palermo Courthouse n. 3402