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Author Guidelines
1. Article submission: The manuscript should be original and has not been published previously. Please do not submit material that is currently being considered by another journal. The manuscript should be submitted in MS Word format via email or web submission system.
2. Length: Manuscripts can be 3,0000-10,000-word long, including an abstract, text, tables, endnotes, appendixes, and references.
3. Title page: The title page includes the paper title (not exceeding 15 words and followed by an abstract of 100-350 words; three to eight keywords or key phrases are also required); the corresponding author's working place; academic degree/title; main research field(s); mailing address; e-mail; and telephone (and fax) number.
4. Text formatting: Use 10.5pt Times New Roman for the main text, and 9pt Times New Roman for endnotes and bibliography. Use italics for emphasis.
5. References and footnotes: References and footnotes must observe the Harvard Standard of Bibliography Author-Date-Page number in this form: e. g. Heidegger 1927, 15. A list of references completed in every detail must be put at the end of the article.
6. Acceptance: It is not our policy to pay authors.
Papers accepted for publication are subject to non-substantive, stylistic editing. The Editor reserves the right to make any necessary changes in the papers, or request the author to do so, or reject the submitted paper. The proofs will be sent along to the author for confirmation.
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ISSN: 2281-3209 DOI Prefix: 10.7408
Published online by CRF - Centro Internazionale per la Ricerca Filosofica - Palermo (Italy)
Registration Number at Palermo Courthouse n. 3402