Vol 4, No 1-2 (2014)

Evil, Progress, and Fall: Moral Readings of Time and Cultural Development in Roman Literature and Philosophy

Table of Contents

Latin Philosophy and Culture

Introduction. Romans on Temporality: Past, Present and Future PDF
Rosa Rita Marchese, Fabio Tutrone
Vetustas, oblivio e crisi d’identità nelle Saturae Menippeae: il risveglio di Varrone in un’altra Roma PDF
Irene Leonardis
Beneficium, iustitia e imperium tra passato, presente e futuro PDF
Alice Accardi
Prima e dopo Epicuro: origine e sviluppo della civiltà nel De rerum natura di Lucrezio PDF
Francesco Staderini
Matrices of Time and the Recycling of Evil in Sallust’s Historiography PDF
Sophia Papaioannou
Time’s Path and The Historian’s Agency: Morality and Memory in Sallust’s Bellum Catilinae PDF
Aaron M. Seider
Beginnings & Endings: 146 BCE as an Imperial Moment, from Polybius to Sallust PDF
Sarah H. Davies
Veniet Tempus (QNat. 7.25): Stoic Philosophy and Roman Genealogy in Seneca's View of Scientific Progress PDF
Fabio Tutrone
At the End of Times: Human Civilization and a Roman Astrologer (Firmicus Maternus, Math. 3.2) PDF
Joanna Komorowska


The Negative Theology of Matter in Calcidius PDF
Andrea Le Moli
Innominis / Omninominis: Bernard Silvestris’s Catalogue Poem as Act of Divine Naming PDF
Jason Baxter
Philosophical thought of the School of the Sextii PDF
Omar Di Paola

Notes, Reports & Interviews

Heideggers Interpretation des platonischen Sophistes PDF
Diego De Brasi, Marko J. Fuchs
Hegel and the phenomenological movement PDF
Gabriele Schimmenti
Il principio passione. Intervista a Vito Mancuso PDF
Doriana Prinzivalli


Relation and Individuation in the Philosophy of Leibniz PDF
Angelo Cicatello

ISSN: 2281-3209                DOI Prefix: 10.7408

Published online by CRF - Centro Internazionale per la Ricerca Filosofica - Palermo (Italy)


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