Table of Contents
Latin Philosophy and Culture
Introduction. Romans on Temporality: Past, Present and Future | |
Rosa Rita Marchese, Fabio Tutrone |
Vetustas, oblivio e crisi d’identità nelle Saturae Menippeae: il risveglio di Varrone in un’altra Roma | |
Irene Leonardis |
Beneficium, iustitia e imperium tra passato, presente e futuro | |
Alice Accardi |
Prima e dopo Epicuro: origine e sviluppo della civiltà nel De rerum natura di Lucrezio | |
Francesco Staderini |
Matrices of Time and the Recycling of Evil in Sallust’s Historiography | |
Sophia Papaioannou |
Time’s Path and The Historian’s Agency: Morality and Memory in Sallust’s Bellum Catilinae | |
Aaron M. Seider |
Beginnings & Endings: 146 BCE as an Imperial Moment, from Polybius to Sallust | |
Sarah H. Davies |
Veniet Tempus (QNat. 7.25): Stoic Philosophy and Roman Genealogy in Seneca's View of Scientific Progress | |
Fabio Tutrone |
At the End of Times: Human Civilization and a Roman Astrologer (Firmicus Maternus, Math. 3.2) | |
Joanna Komorowska |
The Negative Theology of Matter in Calcidius | |
Andrea Le Moli |
Innominis / Omninominis: Bernard Silvestris’s Catalogue Poem as Act of Divine Naming | |
Jason Baxter |
Philosophical thought of the School of the Sextii | |
Omar Di Paola |
Notes, Reports & Interviews
Heideggers Interpretation des platonischen Sophistes | |
Diego De Brasi, Marko J. Fuchs |
Hegel and the phenomenological movement | |
Gabriele Schimmenti |
Il principio passione. Intervista a Vito Mancuso | |
Doriana Prinzivalli |
Relation and Individuation in the Philosophy of Leibniz | |
Angelo Cicatello |
ISSN: 2281-3209 DOI Prefix: 10.7408
Published online by CRF - Centro Internazionale per la Ricerca Filosofica - Palermo (Italy)
Registration Number at Palermo Courthouse n. 3402